Here at Pro-Fab Metals we offer many different welding services.
MIG Welding (Metal Insert Gas)- This is where you can combine or join two pieces of metal together with a wire, in which an electric arc forms between a consumable wire electrode joining them together. This welding is most commonly used for welding steels.
TIG Welding (Tungsten Insert Gas)- This is where a non-consumable Tungsten electrode is used to produce the weld. An autogenous weld is made when melting two pieces of metal together. This welding is most commonly used to weld stainless steel, aluminum, magnesium, and copper alloys.
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) also known as Stick Welding- This is an arc welding process that uses an electrode covered with flux to lay the weld. This is one of the easiest processes of welding, and is one of the most popular welding processes.
Make Sure you give Chuck a call for any of your welding services. It doesn’t get any better than being able to deal with the owner himself. Give Pro-Fab Metals a call at 618-283-2986.